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Challan 280 in Word Format 120: Tips and Tricks for Filling the Form


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The issued copy of Challan for TDS makes it easy for an individual taxpayer to track the status of their e-challan that is to be deposited in the banks. There are 3 different types of challan for TDS issued to a taxpayer.

challan 280 in word format 120

When you open CIN based TDS Challan status enquiry page, you must enter details from the counterfoil returned upon payment towards Challan 281 online. CIN stamp contains details of BSR code for your collecting branch, challan 281 tender date, TDS challan serial number and the amount paid towards TDS challan.

A. If your employer does not pay challan for TDS, you will not have to pay any penalties as an employee. It is entirely the responsibility of your employer or payer to pay challan for TDS on time. However, you pay your tax liabilities while filing annual returns. If your employer fails to pay challan for TDS, you will still be eligible for paying taxes.

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It has been 3 working days since the new demand appeared. I wanted to know if this demand will automatically be settled with the additional amount I paid with the challan (I have checked that the total of old demand + new interest demand is less than the amount I paid with the challan).

Does form 26AS form gets updated immediately after paying the amount received in intimation 143(1). I have paid the outstanding demand online and i have received challan but online the status is still not updatd

Thank you for the informative article.I have received an INTIMATION U/S 143(1) OF THE INCOME TAX ACT, 1961 for an net payable amount of Rs.4/. Am I required to pay the amount? If not required to pay,can you include in your article about the steps to be taken if the demand is for meager amounts as in my case?

I have received a hard copy for outstanding tax demand. I had already paid the amount online two months back. I also have a challan receipt and same is reflected in my form 26 AS too. But under outstanding tax demand, it still shows pending amount of 9900. Is there a problem? Do I need to send the challan had copy to CPC Bengaluru or it should be fine?

You are super awesome Sreekanth ji. I have submitted the same. Honestly speaking, I never thought they would use such a pure Hindi word for resolution. Glad you pointed out. Not sure though if they would respond to these online queries.

I have received a hard copy for outstanding tax demand intimation 143(1). I had already paid the amount online in July 2019. I also have a challan receipt. But under outstanding tax demand, it still shows pending amount of 14140.I have already payed 14000 while filing my ITR. on top of it i have paid 140 and Partially agreed to the demand. But i can still see Outstanding amount in my tab.Same thing happend last year as well and i disagreed to the amount and showed them the challan number. That entry is still showing up in my outstanding amount.

hi sreekanthur information is very useful.i m a senior citizen and reced notice under sec 143(1) for demand tax. surprisingly the demand arose when cpc treated amount under section 80 D as 25000 instead of rs 30000 as can be claimed by a senior citizen and also as claimed by me.what is the recourse to mistakes of CPC bangalore

I have received outstanding demand for AY 2004-2005 of Rs 3414 but it is no where written that whether this amount is inclusive of interest or not? I even checked on the efiling portal, this information (about interest) is not available there also..Currently, I am out of country and I dont have my AY2004-2005 income tax return copy with me.

Please provide opinion whether refund claimed should be redeposited. If yes, Can I pay it online. Also please provide a letter format for intimating the department. Are any other documents to be enclosed with the intimation letter.

I have received a demand status from CPC for amount 456 , I have paid the amount ,during filling the information in challan I have selected the option as penalty and entered the 456 amount there as I did not get detailed information regarding which option to choose as in the attachment they have mentioned only outstanding demand amount column .

Dear Sreekanth, I have received a demand notice under Sec 156 for paying an amount of Rs.96000/- for FY 2008-09. As per notice the amount needs to be deposited in SBI or any other Bank in Srinagar through challan within 30 days. But Srinagar is closed due to violence and curfew since the last more than 40 days. Due to this Banks are closed. Kindly advise can I pay the amount through online mode.

Hi Sir,I got the Intimation U/S 143(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 to make the payment of Rs. 9508/- Whereas I had made the payment for the same amount and updated the challan details in the CPC website already.

I received demand letter under section 1431a for AY 2015-16 with outstanding tax 630 Rs. I have replied the demand by accepting it. But I have not paid it yet. Do I have to pay this through challan 280 under regular tax assessment. If yes what would be the next procedure, I mean do I have to mention CIN anywhere. Do I have to file revised ITR for AY 2015-16 or nothing has to been done once payment has been done.

Thanks for the step-by-step guide.I have paid a tax of Rs. 630 (Tax Rs. 610 + int Rs. 20) online, in accordance with the intimation u/s 143(1) for AY 2015-16, and the Tax Credit is also visible in Form 26AS.Since there is no provision to put the IT 143(1) letter reference number in the challan, I am not sure whether the tax paid by me will be automatically linked by IT dept to the said intimation u/s 143(1).Do I need to send a postal reply to IT dept informing them the details of the tax paid?Your advise will be highly appreciated.

I have received an Outstanding demand of Financial year 09-10. I have made the payment couple of weeks ago. I read your input of verifying in the outstanding demand after 2 to 4 weeks. But just wanted to verify if the challan no is reflecting against my demand order hence clicked on AS26. It redirected to the TRACES-TDS website.

The Income tax department has issued a cheque for Rs 12,010 against AY2008-09 by mistake when the refund due was Rs 463 only. How to return the amount ? Which challan I should use ? This was credited to my account. I need to return that extra amount as there is a demand against the same AY due to TDS mismatch.

dear gopal .k i have seen yourcomment dated 27th august ialso to pay some amount of intrest u/s220(2). will you please make me to know how to make payment on line and where from i can get that related. thanking you challan form

Have query when we need to pay the challan,after the submission e-File IRT form on the Income tax portal , Or while fillin the data in e-File IRT for protal..need to give the challana number on this.. how it is. c.a has done the computation for this year..i have to pay some 10k as tax..but he has asked me to transfer it to his account so that he pays it that ok? and can you please share a sample copy of a challan..wanted to have a look at it..thanks

I received a demand notice u/s 245 for AY 2012-13 under section 1431a for an amount of 17620/-. I already replied twice through ITR portal that i disagree with this demand as i already paid all my income taxes through my employer. I also have form 16 and 12Ba with me including all the relevant information for the payment of my income tax for that AY 2012-13. I also have a refund of about 15000/- in financial year 2014-15 for which i got another notice that my demand has been adjuster against my refund.Can you please let me know how should i proceed? I am not sure i might not have submitted itr for AY 2012-13 for which i got this demand. Can i file ITR for that year now ?

I have received a demand notice u/s 143 on 30.06.2015 for AY 2014-15, I have paid the demand notice amount of 990 as was mentioned on 06.07.2015 under interest section in challan ( I have receipt of challan with me), but as i was unaware that i have to first acknowledge the demand notice which i did later wards on 20.07.2015. On 20.07.2015 i acknowledge the demand notice by accepting it is correct . Now my concern is till date i have not received any intimation from ITD and when i am logging on e-filling it is still showing demand notice under actions pending.

Hi sreekanth, I hav got an intimation from CPC bengaluru for AY 2014-2015 . While filling returns online in 2014 i paid self assessment tax as 4070 online ( Major head 24 Minor head 300 )with all details like BSR code and challan number. I can see the same details on Form 26 AS , Form return 2014.I even validated the CIN number on website Oltas.

Form 26 AS shows it , Form return shows it and even bank through which i maid online payment shows the details of CIN ( challan) . have already paid the amt but tax intimation is somehow not picking it up . What should I do now ? Can i put a rectification request ?

Hi Sreekanth Reddy,Your Post is really very useful and informative,Can you please tell me that after we receive intimation u/s 143(1) and there is tax payable of 441 Rs. Do we need to pay that amount and again file ITR .In this cases when can we say that filing of IT is completed.Really appreciate your help in advance. 2ff7e9595c

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